Fill out the form below to interfere in a match on Friday.

Remember that the match must be on Friday's card.

Wrestler's Name

Person to interfere for

Person to interfere against

Your E-Mail

Type your interference in here (including html). 
If you don't want to do it, just type "Prez, you can do it!" and the generator will take care of it.

Interferences that involve the match endings will only be used as is (or improved) if the person selected actually wins the match.  If not, and the ending doesn't fit into an angle being played out by the card writer, then the interference may be disregarded.

Remember, we are doing this as a free service, so if something you submitted gets left out for whatever reason, please don't complain (constructive criticism is tolerated to a certain extent).  Again, it may be that what you asked for goes against an angle that is being run.